Laser printer decals are a quick and easy way of transferring images like photographs, drawings, and text onto glass. Decals are an excellent way to personalize your fused glass work, and customize fused glass pieces for your friends, family, and customers.
Ink jet printers DO NOT work for this process, however; it only works with a printer cartridge that contains iron oxide. Our machines use an HP 12A cartridge that has proven successful for many years.
Any black and white image will work. High contrast images provide the best results, in our experience.
Customer must provide a black and white/ grayscale image already sized as desired and READY FOR DIRECT PRINTING. Either a hard copy or a digital JPEG image is required.
For optimal results, a maximum recommended decal size is 7.5” x 10” (decal paper sheet size is 8.5”x11”)
A minimum resolution of 300 DPI is recommended for the original (hard copy or digital format) to ensure best results.
If any adjustment of image is required for printing, or is done at the customer’s request, additional labor charges will apply.
Decals are $5 per copy to print; this includes a sheet of the decal paper. If a customer wishes to provide their own decal paper, the cost will be $3.50 per standard printing.